
Process of inventory preparation

The following activities are carried out each year as the inventory is compiled:

Step Task What is involved
Step 1 Method improvement Improvements to calculation methods are normally implemented before the inventory is compiled. These improvements may be based on recommendations of UNFCCC (Centralised Reviews, In Country Reviews), bilateral and peer reviews and relevant research sponsored by BEIS, Defra or other organisations via the NISC and UK GHG Inventory improvement programme.
Step 2 Data requests Requests for activity data and background data are issued to a wide range of data suppliers. Each request is issued with a unique code, and a database is used to track the request and the data supplied from that request.
Step 3 Data verification Activity data received are examined. Anomalies are investigated, such as time series discrepancies or large changes in values from the previous to the current publication year.
Step 4 Data processing Data are prepared to allow emissions of direct and indirect GHG to be estimated.
Step 5 Emission estimation Provisional emissions are estimated using the most recent activity data available.
Step 6 Quality Checking Routines A series of quality checking routines are conducted to detect anomalies in the estimates (such as time series variations, year to year changes and outlier implied emission factors). Errors and omissions are then rectified.
Step 7 Emissions reporting (including background data) Estimates of emissions are prepared for the various reporting formats (e.g. IPCC, UNECE etc.).
Step 8 Report generation Draft reports are written to satisfy the reporting criteria of the various agencies, e.g. the UNFCCC.
Step 9 Report review The reports are reviewed: internally; by external contributing agencies; and by BEIS. Errors and omissions are then rectified.
Step 10 Report publication Final reports and data sets are then submitted and published in print and on publicly available web sites.
Step 11 Data archiving At the end of each inventory cycle, all data, spreadsheets, databases and reports are archived, allowing all data to remain traceable, should it be needed in future years.

The system outlined above complies with the Tier 1 Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) procedures, as outlined within the 2006 IPCC Guidelines (IPCC, 2006).

Page last modified: 19 July 2022